CustomTech™ TechLevel™ 125 Deep Pour Self-Leveling Underlayment

Product ID: TDS357

TechLevel™ 125 is a high quality, self-leveling underlayment that achieves up to 4,000 psi compressive strength. TechLevel™ 125 levels floors prior to the installation of resilient flooring, carpet, wood, ceramic tile, natural stone tile and other floor coverings. This quick setting underlayment can be applied 1/4″ to 3″ (7.6cm) thick in one pour and seeks its own level in minutes.

  • High strength for ¼” to 3″ in one pour for thick build applications
  • Low Prep Formula; Just Clean, Prime & Pour
  • Superior Crack Resistance – Formula reduces shrinkage & minimizes cracks
  • Up to 4000 PSI Compressive Strength
  • Exceeds ASTM requirements for resilient floor covering installations

Coverage Chart

¼€ (6.35 mm) 21 - 22 ft² (1.9 - 2.0 M²)
½€ (12.7 mm) 10.4 - 10.8 ft² (0.9 - 1.0 M²)
1" (25.4 mm) 5.2 - 5.4 ft² (0.48 - 0.50 M²)
2€ (51 mm) 2.6 - 2.7 ft² (.24 - .25 M²)
3€ (76 mm) 1.7 - 1.8 ft² (.16 - .17 M²)

Chart for estimating purposes. Coverage may vary based on installation practices and jobsite conditions. For more sizes, use the material calculator at or contact CUSTOM Technical Services at 800-282-8786.

Materials Calculator Determine how much material you need for your project.