TechPatch™ MP Multipurpose Rapid Setting Skim Coat & Floor Patch

Product ID: TDS326

TechPatch MP is a fast setting, calcium aluminate compound that provides a smooth finish on interior subfloors prior to the installation of a wide variety of floor coverings. Mix with water only to patch, level or skim coat concrete, OSB and plywood up to 1/2″ (12 mm) thick per application. Install floor coverings in as little as 30 – 90 minutes.

  • Patches and smooths interior subfloors
  • Apply from featheredge to 1/2″
  • Install flooring in as little as 30 – 90 minutes

Coverage Chart

SQUARE FOOT COVERAGE PER 25 LB BAG (SQUARE METER PER 11.34 KG). Coverage will vary depending on the texture of the surface being smoothed.




1/16€ (1.6 mm)

55.2 ft² (5.13 M²)

62.4 ft² (5.80 M²)

1/8" (3 mm)

27.65 ft² (2.57 M²)

31.39 ft² (2.92 M²)

1/4" (6 mm)

13.82 ft² (1.28 M²)

15.70 ft² (1.46 M²)

1/2" (12 mm)

6.91 ft² (0.64 M²)

7.85 ft² (0.73 M²)

Materials Calculator Determine how much material you need for your project.