CUSTOM® SpeedSlope® – Rapid Setting Sloping Mortar

Product ID: TDS-311

SpeedSlope® is a polymer-modified, fast-setting high strength cementitious mortar bed that can be smoothly applied both horizontally and vertically. It is dimensionally stable and durable in wet and dry environments for multi-use applications.

  • Allows for natural stone and ceramic tile flooring installation in as little as 1-2 hours
  • Leveling and ramping up to 3″ on horizontal substrates; up to 5″ thick in confined areas such as trenches
  • May also be used for walls, countertops, shower pre-slopes, and deep floor patches
  • 4:1 blended cement base suitable for shower receptors

Coverage Chart

50 lbs (0.5 cu ft) will cover 5 ft2 @1" thickness Five to six 50lb bags will complete a mortar bed for 3'x5' shower base

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